Rhinoplasty Revision? Choose Expertise Over Cost

Rhinoplasty Revision? Choose Expertise Over Cost

The vast majority of patients who undergo rhinoplasty here in Chicago are satisfied with their long-term results, but occasionally the need arises for a revisionary procedure. Although there are several distinct reasons why a patient may pursue a revisionary rhinoplasty, the surgery is most often used to refine and correct the nasal shape. Patients who have spent time and money on a primary rhinoplasty are often—and rightly so—not willing to settle for a suboptimal shape for the rest of their lives.

When patients see me for revision rhinoplasty, they’re often bothered by specific complaints, such as asymmetry, a lingering dorsal hump, or a misshapen tip. Less frequently, respiration may be affected. The patient may also feel that too much or too little tissue was removed during primary surgery. Each of these concerns can be corrected during a revisionary procedure.

When researching a revisionary procedure, you should first and foremost consider the level of the surgeon’s experience. Although this should be a factor in any type of aesthetic surgery, it’s especially important for a revisionary procedure. Secondary surgery tends to be more technically challenging, so having a surgeon with extensive experience and a proven track record of successful outcomes is paramount.

I’ve performed more than 2,000 individual rhinoplasty procedures to date. During the years that I’ve worked with such a broad range of wonderful patients, I’ve gained tremendous insight into the nuances of the human nose—in all its wonderful variations.

My personal technique involves meticulous, sharp dissection that allows me to separate the most fragile structures of the nose from the scar tissue left behind by previous rhinoplasty. This allows me to create an attractive, delicate nose shape without needing to use extensive, bulky cartilage grafts.

Although cartilage grafts are occasionally needed, very often I’m able to take cartilage from the septum, even in patients who have previously had surgery on this area. Occasionally, using cartilage from the ear or rib is necessary, but my technique minimizes trauma and scarring.

Because I typically use local anesthesia with sedation rather than full general anesthesia, my patients often have an extremely comfortable recuperation. Rather than dealing with grogginess and nausea immediately after surgery, my patients head home to relax comfortably.

My meticulous technique during surgery also reduces trauma to neighboring tissues, leaving them as unaffected as possible and thereby reducing discomfort, bruising, and swelling during the recuperative period. Most of my revision rhinoplasty patients are back to work in about 1 week with modest swelling and minimal bruising. Any lingering discoloration can be easily concealed with makeup, and most noticeable swelling resolves within weeks of surgery.

Every patient deserves to achieve their ideal results from rhinoplasty. If you’re unsatisfied with yours for any reason, make your revisionary procedure the one that gets it right. Please contact my office to request your consultation. Let’s work together to help you realize your results.

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