Breast Implants: Are They Safe? Posted on October 30, 2018 By Dr. Sammy Sinno Throughout the past several months, many of my Chicago breast augmentation patients have had questions about the safety of breast implants. You might have noticed that there's been increased media coverage about this topic. Patients want to know if implants are safe--and rightly so. The answer is a resounding "yes!" There are some important points … Read More
The 6 Most Common Rhinoplasty Requests Posted on October 15, 2018 By Dr. Thomas Mustoe The motivations for undergoing rhinoplasty can vary significantly from person to person. However, as a facial plastic surgeon with years performing rhinoplasty (nose job) here in Chicago, I've heard a handful of concerns more frequently than others. If any of these 6 requests resonate with you, know you are not alone! Smooth a hump on … Read More