Revision Rhinoplasty

Among the various procedures Dr. Thomas A. Mustoe and Dr. Sammy Sinno perform at their Chicago practice, rhinoplasty is perhaps the most complex and delicate. It is this challenge, though, that they find rewarding, particularly for revision rhinoplasty patients. About a third of their nose job patients visit them in Chicago because they are unhappy with the results of a previous procedure performed by another surgeon. Patients and peer physicians alike rely on the surgeons’ expertise in these more difficult cases. Their approach can bring about long-awaited fulfillment for those who have struggled through disappointing results in the past.

Revision Rhinoplasty Before and After Photos

Case: 1 of 9
Case: 1 of 9
Before & After Revision Rhinoplasty by Dr. Mustoe Case 98 View #1 View in Chicago, IL
Before & After
Case: 5 of 8

This woman chose to have plastic surgery to improve the shape of her nose via rhinoplasty (a "nose job") in Chicago with Dr. Thomas Mustoe.
Before & After Revision Rhinoplasty by Dr. Mustoe Case 105 View #1 View in Chicago, IL
Before & After
Case: 7 of 8

This woman decided to make subtle changes to her nose. She sought out Dr. Mustoe for a rhinoplasty procedure (a "nose job") in our Chicago office.

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

Is Revision Rhinoplasty Right for You?

Through revision rhinoplasty, a skilled plastic surgeon can:

  • Correct asymmetry or crookedness
  • Reshape nostrils
  • Smooth out bumps or a dorsal hump
  • Alter the tip and bridge of the nose
  • Address breathing concerns
  • Fix issues of under-resection (too little tissue removed) or over-resection (too much tissue removed)

Dr. Mustoe and Dr. Sinno ask numerous detailed questions during an initial consultation to pinpoint each patient’s exact concerns. They may also use various tests to scan the structures of the nose to make sure a revision rhinoplasty would be beneficial.
TLKM Plastic Surgery

What Happens During a Revision Rhinoplasty Consultation?

The first step in the revision nose surgery process is a consultation in Chicago with Dr. Mustoe or Dr. Sinno, where patients discuss their past rhinoplasty procedure or procedures. It’s not uncommon for patients to have undergone more than one previous operation before turning to Dr. Mustoe or Dr. Sinno, and some patients may have had their previous procedures many years in the past. Reviewing old records, if they are available, can be beneficial for planning at this time.

Both Dr. Mustoe and Dr. Sinno understand that developing a trusting relationship is important for a patient’s satisfaction, especially if that patient has had a previous unsatisfying experience. That is why they take the time during this consultation to thoroughly get to know each patient and answer every question so that he or she can feel confident and move toward a fulfilling experience. They have found that patient satisfaction is just about as high with revision rhinoplasty as with primary rhinoplasty. They strive for a very natural appearance and for individualizing each procedure to address the patient’s aesthetic goals.

How Is Revision Rhinoplasty Performed?

Dr. Mustoe and Dr. Sinno use many of the same techniques for revision procedures as initial, or “primary,” nose surgeries. The difference, in many cases, is the presence of scar tissue or the lack of cartilage and other structures. In the case of excess scarring, they may need to remove some of this tissue to ensure results are not distorted.

For many revision patients, the surgeons must work to rebuild the structural framework of the nose because some of it was removed in the previous procedure. They may harvest cartilage from the ear or ribs and grafts of fascia (fibrous, connective tissue) from the temple area to build the nose back up before readjusting the overlying tissues and skin. This ensures the nose remains strong and reduces any risk of collapse. However, in most cases of revision rhinoplasty, the surgeons are able to use residual nasal cartilages, including from the septum, even if the patient has had a previous septoplasty.

Dr. Mustoe and Dr. Sinno generally use an “open” technique for these more complex revisionary procedures, meaning they access the nose’s structures through a small incision between the nostrils.

Our Quick-Recovery Approach

Although revisionary surgeries are usually more complex than primary ones, Dr. Mustoe and Dr. Sinno still perform them using local anesthesia with sedation for most patients. As with general anesthesia, the patient has no awareness or memory of the procedure, but he or she avoids the disadvantages of general anesthesia. The result is reduced post-op discomfort and recovery time.

In addition to correcting any concerns that may have arisen from a patient’s previous procedures, Dr. Mustoe and Dr. Sinno aim also to maintain each patient’s individual facial qualities. They take a conservative, “transparent” approach that does not vastly change a person’s appearance but does address specific concerns. As with all facial plastic surgery procedures, their goal is to enhance their patients’ natural looks and create harmony between the features.

Learn more about the surgeons’ rhinoplasty techniques on our FAQ page.

Dr. Mustoe and Dr. Sinno

Why Choose Dr. Mustoe & Dr. Sinno

Through extensive research and experience, Dr. Mustoe and Dr. Sinno have developed several innovations that contribute to a better rhinoplasty procedure and result, characterized by:

  • Predictable, natural-looking outcomes
  • Use of local anesthesia with sedation
  • Shortened, more comfortable recovery
  • Minimal bruising
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What Is Revision Rhinoplasty Recovery Like?

Revision rhinoplasty patients usually find that their recovery is similar to that of an initial procedure. However, thanks to our surgeons’ use of local rather than general anesthesia and Dr. Mustoe’s vast research into wound healing, patients tend to feel quite comfortable during this period. Most patients can return to their normal activities after only a week.

Patients wear a nasal splint during the initial days of their recovery, and they are encouraged to sleep upright to minimize swelling. Patients do not require nasal packing, and any bruising should fade quickly. Each patient receives detailed aftercare instructions for this period, and most find that the closer they follow these instructions, the faster they heal.

Woman's Face Captured In An iPad

Your Guide to Rhinoplasty

Download Our Complimentary e-Guide

Ready to start your journey to your best nose? Get all the information you need about rhinoplasty when you download our free e-Guide, Your Guide to Rhinoplasty. Inside, you will find answers to all your questions about nose surgery, from how to be sure it is right for you to what to expect before, during, and after surgery.

Fill out the form below to access it all.

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Both surgeons share the same essential philosophy of being attentive and hands-on in post-op care. All patients are given their surgeon’s direct cell phone number after surgery to ensure they receive prompt responses to any concerns or questions.

Changes in the shape of the nose may continue to occur for up to a year, and our surgeons carefully monitor progress during this time at follow-up appointments.

Board-certified plastic surgeons, Dr. Mustoe and Dr. Sinno specialize in revision nose surgery for both cosmetic and functional correction. To visit them and discuss your concerns, request a consultation online. Or you can call us at  (312) 788-2560 and one of our helpful staff members will schedule your appointment.
