What I Do Differently for Revision Rhinoplasty

Dr. Mustoe talks revision rhinoplasty procedures for his Chicago-based patients

I see many patients who are disappointed in the outcome of rhinoplasty procedures performed by other surgeons. In fact, about 30% of the rhinoplasty surgeries I perform are to revise undesirable results from previous surgeries. In some cases, I see revision rhinoplasty patients at my Chicago practice who have undergone 3 or 4 rhinoplasty procedures.

Why Is Revision Rhinoplasty So Difficult?

Revision rhinoplasty is a delicate procedure and one of the most challenging to perform because the nose is actually quite fragile, with skin and soft tissue draped across cartilage.

When Should You Have a Revision Rhinoplasty?

People often seek revision rhinoplasty when their original rhinoplasty produced poor results such as asymmetry. After rhinoplasty, only the bony area in the upper third of the nose prevents scar tissue from forming. Scar tissue that forms during the healing process is often the culprit when rhinoplasty isn’t successful, distorting the desired outcome and often resulting in an asymmetrical nose. We talk more about what causes people to seek revision rhinoplasty in our related blog post.

What Does a Revision Rhinoplasty Involve?

Surgeons must carefully expose the underlying framework of the nose, without damaging it, to gain access to the troublesome scar tissue. Removing the scar tissue is the next step, again without causing any structural damage. Once the scar tissue is gone, I strengthen the framework and modify the nose’s shape, usually by grafting cartilage taken from the septum or the ear. In some cases, it’s necessary to use cartilage from a patient’s rib.

Experience is a significant asset when performing revision rhinoplasty. Years of doing these procedures and knowing how to minimize scar tissue allow me to make the necessary adjustments toProfile view of woman's nose before and after revision rhinoplasty surgery. the framework of the nose without creating a large, bulky result.

The advanced techniques I use get reliable outcomes with results that appear natural and meet the patient’s original aesthetic goals. You can see one of my patient’s results before and after a revision rhinoplasty in the photos to the right. You can view more of my patients’ before and after pictures and Dr. Sinno’s patient results in our photo gallery.

What Is Revision Rhinoplasty Recovery Like?

I’m able to perform revision rhinoplasty using just a local anesthetic with sedation, which reduces swelling and allows patients to recover more quickly. More follow-up appointments are needed after revision procedures to closely monitor the healing process and get the outcome you desire.

I find this kind of challenge and commitment is one of the most fulfilling aspects of my practice. Rhinoplasty is among the most popular cosmetic surgeries because when done well, it creates a desirably balanced, harmonious facial appearance.

If you have had a rhinoplasty with disappointing results, take heart in knowing that although you still have a challenge ahead of you, a beautiful outcome is within reach with the right surgeon.

If you’re considering revision surgery and searching for the best plastic surgeons in the Chicago area for your procedure, we’re happy to consult with you. You can request a consultation using our online form or by calling us at (312) 788-2560.

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