How Is Facelift Surgery Different for Men?

Facelifts for men, what you need to know.

Men considering a facelift at our plastic surgery practice in Chicago often have understandable concerns about whether their results will look natural or noticeable in social settings. Facial rejuvenation procedures can be highly rewarding for men looking to appear as healthy and active as possible for as long as possible. The meticulous techniques we use help men enjoy these benefits without needing to worry about looking “worked on” or overdone.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss how we adapt our approach to deliver flattering and natural-looking facelift results for men.

What Do Male & Female Facelifts Have in Common?

Both male and female facelifts are designed to achieve natural-looking rejuvenation. Men and women both typically choose facelift surgery because they’re looking to “turn back the clock” and restore a younger, more vital appearance.

The fundamentals of the facelift procedure are the same for both men and women. We carefully lift and reposition underlying facial tissues to address slack jowls, flat cheeks, and lax skin on the mid and lower face. (Keep in mind that not all plastic surgeons perform facelifts the same way. Learn more about how to choose the best facelift surgeon in our previous blog post.)

Our quick-recovery approach minimizes downtime, allowing both male and female patients to return to their daily responsibilities and routines as quickly as feasible, with minimal bruising that typically resolves within 10 days. Predictably, return to work is within 14 days, although with extremely short hair, the incisions may not be completely hidden without the help of glasses. It is generally best to let the hair grow out slightly, for about a month prior to your procedure.

How Do Male Facelifts Differ From Female Facelifts?

Men often choose facelifts to maintain an active, healthy appearance in the workplace, or they are driven by the universal desire to feel strong and confident in the face they put forward to the world. While all facelifts are designed to be inconspicuous and discreet, we take special care with male patients to create subtle, masculine results.

In general, men are most bothered by the neck and jaw line, and less by relaxation in the midface. The surgical procedure is selective in addressing the facial region that bothers the patient the most.

The incision is meticulously disguised along natural creases near the ears, with part of the anterior incision actually tucked inside to hide it.  The technique and incisions are individualized to suit the patient and can even be hidden for a man who shaves his head.

Are There Nonsurgical Facelift Alternatives for Men?

While a surgical facelift is the best way to address more severe signs of aging, nonsurgical alternatives can offer effective temporary solutions for men with mild aging who may not be ready for surgery. A few of the most popular nonsurgical facial rejuvenation options for men include:

  • BOTOX® Cosmetic: While BOTOX doesn’t address lost volume or sagging in the lower face, it can reduce wrinkles and lines by relaxing muscles that contract to form them. These lines may include horizontal forehead lines and glabellar lines between the eyebrows.
  • Dermal fillers: Fillers replace lost volume beneath the skin, filling out sunken areas and restoring youthful fulness.
  • Laser skin rejuvenation: Laser treatments rejuvenate the surface of the skin while stimulating collagen production for a firmer, more elastic appearance. These treatments and other techniques, such as fat transfer, can also be used to complement or maintain surgical facelift results for ongoing rejuvenation. However, men are much less likely to choose laser resurfacing than women because their beard and thicker skin protect them somewhat from the fine wrinkling that laser skin resurfacing is intended for.
  • Laser assisted liposuction (Precision laser) + skin tightening: Some patients with significant submental and jowl fat with skin laxity are suitable candidates for laser assisted fat removal and skin tightening. The procedure is minimally invasive with three needle stick entrance points and no incisions. The procedure takes less than an hour and is done as an office procedure with light oral sedation. In general there is minimal to no bruising, and in most cases swelling is resolved to the point that return to work is possible in 2-3 days. Definite improvement is seen in 2-3 weeks, but the final result takes 3-4 months. The results have been quite gratifying with sufficient skin tightening and predictable improvement in contour without skin irregularities. However, the results will not match a surgical necklift or lower facelift.

To see examples of the facelift results you can expect from TLKM Plastic Surgery, please visit our before-and-after photo gallery.

If you would like to learn more about facelift options for men in the Chicago area, please contact us online or call (312) 788-2560.

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