Which Is Best for You: Facelift, Mini Facelift, or Neck Lift?

TLKM Plastic Surgery

Facial rejuvenation is an extraordinarily popular branch of cosmetic surgery around the world. These procedures, including neck lifts and facelift surgery, are also popular at our own Chicago practice.

Plastic surgeons develop new procedures all the time to help patients treat and prevent the effects of aging. If you’ve been researching facial rejuvenation and are overwhelmed by your options, we hope our brief guide to 3 of the top options can help answer some of your questions. As always, to determine your candidacy for any of these procedures, consult with the best facial plastic surgeon you can find in Chicago (or wherever you live) who is a board-certified plastic surgeon.

  • Facelift: A facelift is the most comprehensive of these 3 options and has long been considered the “gold standard” for facial rejuvenation. A facelift uses discreet incisions around the ears and within the hairline to access the muscles and tissues of the lower face, repositioning and tightening them for an improved contour and smoother skin around the jawline, cheeks, and chin. The techniques we use in our own practice focus on improving the resiliency of the deep facial tissues rather than simply tightening the skin. This approach results in a much more natural-looking final result.
  • Mini facelift: This modified version of the full facelift is a great way for patients who don’t have a significant amount of facial aging to improve their looks with less downtime. Many mini facelift patients are also people who have undergone full facelift procedures in the past and are looking for ways to maintain their results. A mini facelift addresses the same areas as a full facelift, only to a lesser degree and with shorter scars and usually an easier recovery period.
  • Neck lift: Neck lift surgery shifts its focus from the lower face to the neck, an area where many people notice their earliest and most significant signs of aging. Neck lift surgery can reduce excess fat in the neck, troublesome “neck bands,” wrinkles, loose skin, and weakened muscles. Neck lift surgery may be performed on its own, but it’s also often a companion to a facelift or mini facelift surgery.

Because of its stellar results, facelift surgery is one of the 5 most popular cosmetic surgeries in the nation. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, more than 234,374 men and women had facelifts in 2020.

Browse through our patients’ facelift and neck lift before-and-after photos to see why the procedures are so popular with both men and women.

You can learn more about your facial rejuvenation options by scheduling a consultation at our practice. You can call us at (312) 788-2560 to schedule an appointment or use our online form to request a consultation.

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